The Chakras – the Energy Centers of the Body

The word means wheel. Each chakra has a different resonance that creates a different color.

Through the chakras, higher, cosmic energies are channeled into the physical human body.

This energy flows through the chakras. When the chakras are open and balanced, the individual will be balanced and stable.

Chakras that are blocked or too wide-open lead to emotional and physical imbalances.

There are 7 main chakras:

The Root Chakra

Position – tail bone.

Color – red, black, brown.

Stones- Smoky-Quartz, Garnet, Hematite, Obsidian.

Role – symbolizes the basic needs of man, stimulates the basic survival instinct inherent within us.

Responsible for the life force of the physical body, for material matters and success.

Balance – a strong, stable and full of life person. With confidence, courage and patience, connected to reality.

Imbalance – Insecurity, violence, greed, anger, and anxiety.

Physical imbalance – spinal problems, constipation, infertility and sexual coldness.

The Sacral Chakra

Location – groin

Orange color

Stones – Carnelian, calcite, coral

Role – reproduction, physical strength, sexuality, acceptance and giving.

Balance – the person knows how to enjoy life, will fulfill himself in his own way, with a sense of satisfaction, healthy passion, joy, good family ties, a healthy sex drive.

Imbalance – sexual problems, lack of motivation, loneliness and dissatisfaction, jealousy.

Physical imbalance – kidneys, bladder, genitals, blood system and lymph.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Location – diaphragm


Stones – Citrine, Yellow Calcite

Role – Related to the digestive system, metabolism, adrenal glands, responsible for willpower, self-control.

Balance – connection between the lower and upper chakras, wisdom and awareness of the pleasures of life, great openness, great spiritual ability, a man who knows his place within the universe.

Imbalance – man will block his emotions, not connected to his uniqueness in the universe, fears the personal power inherent within us.

Physical imbalance – gastrointestinal problems, such as ulcers, gallstones, diabetes, and allergies.

The Heart Chakra

Color – pink and green

Stones- Aventurine, Rose-Quartz, Royal, Rhodochrosite

Balance – self-love, acceptance, openness, giving, harmony. When the chakra is open the person can see the beauty and uniqueness in each person.

Imbalance – heartache, emotional instability, relationship difficulties.

Physical imbalance – heart pain, heart attacks, high blood pressure.

The Throat Chakra

Color – light blue, greenish

Stones – Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Sodalite

Role – communication, ability to express oneself, creativity, connection between emotions and the mind.

Physical- Proper functioning of the thyroid gland, ears, vocal cords, nasal system, ear, throat, nervous system, muscles.

Balance – ability to receive and give, reliability, loyalty, courtesy and knowledge.

Imbalance – communication problems, irritability, easily agitated, pain and diseases of the thyroid gland, ears, and vocal cords.

Third eye

Location – on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Color – Indigo purple, dark blue

Stone – Sugilite, Azurite, Amethyst, Lepidolite

Role – development of intuition, nervous system, development of ideas, intellect and imagination.

Balance – openness, understanding, acceptance, harmony and intuition.

Imbalance – stress, headaches, migraines, cynicism, lack of concentration, inability to accept new ideas.


The Crown Chakra

Place – Dome of the Skull

Color – white, gold

Stone – Diamond, Pyrite, Transparent Quartz, Rutilated Quartz

Role – connection between the physical body and the cosmic world, connection to the infinite light, electromagnetic absorption and oneness with the infinite.

Balance – a perception beyond time and place, wisdom and high ideals.

Imbalance – depression, confusion, lack of inspiration.

Please note that the information above is a recommendation only and is not a substitute for physical or mental medical treatment.